Saturday, May 31, 2008

Blue Steel blogger template


Author : (bloggerbuster)

Aspire blogger template

Aspire template is a nice wordpress theme by infocreek, adapted to blogger by gosublogger.

blogger template

  • Direct DOWNLOAD

    Updated 06/10/2008 : Update demo image + Update demo link + Update download link + Guide to install template

    Install Aspire blogger template

    1. Change Timestamp format : Please read the post How to change Timestamp format in blogger

    2. Config the top menu :

    - Choose Edit for the Top Menu

    - Insert your tabs

    - Here is the result

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Ads Themes blogger template

If you’re looking for a new blogger template for your ads campaign, Ads Themes template is the best for you. This template was converted from Ads wordpress theme of Blogging-secret by eblogtemplates .


It’s either a two or 3 column template (you can change it on the fly) so you get the best of both worlds. This Blogger template is what I call a “powerhouse” template since almost all the features you need are already built in. On top of that, it’s quite easy to setup and makes your blog look like a professional site without much effort.

Features Include

* Two or Three right side columns which are easy to switch (default is three)
* Three great location ad spots (header banner 468 x 60, three 125 x 125 buttons in sidebar, and a 468 x 60 AdSense banner above the first post)
* Integrated Feedburner rss and subscribe via email sidebar module (also includes “add to favorites” Technorati link)
* Built-in live traffic feed widget from FEEDJIT
* Built-in MyBlogLog and BlogCatalog recent reader widgets
* Dynamic tabs easily created by editing the link list widget
* Search box without the need for a “go” button
* Recent posts and comments widgets
* Nicely designed individual blog post comments section
* Properly setup Blogger layout editor

You can see from this screenshot that the actual editor is nicely setup so you don’t need to scroll or try and figure out how to click on the “edit” widget links. Most templates that you download make it tough to edit — not this one!

Ads Theme blogger template

This template does require some configuration in order to get it working as designed. Please follow the steps below if you’d like it to work properly. I also recommend backing up your existing template before changing just in case you run into any problems. You could also setup a new Blogger blog as a test area and try installing it there first

Top Tabs Setup

When you first install this template the top tabs will not be visible which is normal. You’ll need to go into the Blogger page element layout editor and edit the “Top Tabs” widget. It’s a link list so just add whatever tabs you want. Don’t add a “Home” tab since it will automatically appear once you create and save the tab widget.

Header Ad Banner

The default banner is hardcoded into the template but will disappear when you add anything to this widget. It’s an HTML widget so you can put the banner ad code straight into this box. This widget can also be deleted if you don’t have a 468 x 60 and you’ll just be left with the black header. Here’s the default ad code if you want to use it as a model:

125 x 125 Ad Section

These are the three ads in the right sidebar which you need to edit the template code to change. Search the template code for and then look right below that for the three lines of ad code which are:

Recent Readers Widget

You’ll need to have MyBlogLog and BlogCatalog accounts if you want to use this widget. The default widget will show the original author’s pictures so please either delete this widget or change the account ids to your own. Once you’ve setup these up, then edit the template code and search for and then replace the account numbers with yours.

Live Traffic Feed Widget

This is a really cool feature within this template and the best part is you don’t need to do anything to setup it up! There are some further options if you click on “options >>” on your actual blog page under the widget but that’s it.

3colbob blogger template


Author : (jackbook)

Red Planet blogger template


Author : (jackbook)

Art Imagination blogger template


Author : (jackbook)

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy for

The privacy of our visitors to is important to us.

At, we recognize that privacy of your personal information is important. Here is information on what types of personal information we receive and collect when you use visit, and how we safeguard your information. We never sell your personal information to third parties.

Log Files

As with most other websites, we collect and use the data contained in log files. The information in the log files include your IP (internet protocol) address, your ISP (internet service provider, such as AOL or Shaw Cable), the browser you used to visit our site (such as Internet Explorer or Firefox), the time you visited our site and which pages you visited throughout our site.

Cookies and Web Beacons

We do use cookies to store information, such as your personal preferences when you visit our site. This could include only showing you a popup once in your visit, or the ability to login to some of our features, such as forums.

We also use third party advertisements on to support our site. Some of these advertisers may use technology such as cookies and web beacons when they advertise on our site, which will also send these advertisers (such as Google through the Google AdSense program) information including your IP address, your ISP , the browser you used to visit our site, and in some cases, whether you have Flash installed. This is generally used for geotargeting purposes (showing New York real estate ads to someone in New York, for example) or showing certain ads based on specific sites visited (such as showing cooking ads to someone who frequents cooking sites).

You can chose to disable or selectively turn off our cookies or third-party cookies in your browser settings, or by managing preferences in programs such as Norton Internet Security. However, this can affect how you are able to interact with our site as well as other websites. This could include the inability to login to services or programs, such as logging into forums or accounts.

Night Club blogger template

Night Club Blogger Template is a beautiful template for new blogger / blogspot blog. This template comes with 2 columns, main column on the left, and smaller column on the right sidebar. Dominated by black color on the background, but this template doesn’t look so dark actually.


Author : (jackbook)

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Mushblue 3col blogger template

Mush Blue template was originally created by Mukka-mu as a WordPress theme and because it was so popular that it was converted into an xml Blogger format by Jackbook

I love this template (I used to use it for my blog). So I intended to make some changes for it and ... here it is. These are some Mushblue 3columns editons I modified yesterday and now it's yours :-D.

There are 2 editions for this. One is center and one is left (content position).

This modification also include Adsense ready characteristic. Now, it's easy for you to insert GA code to your post. See demo for better view (and you can clicks on these ads for testing :-D)

Center editon :


Left editon :


If you have any question, plz comment here. Thanks.

Credit to (jackbook)

Monday, May 19, 2008

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Blue Flower blogger template


Some notes about this template:

- The height of [original] header of this template is 290. If you think it's so "waste-space", you can change it. Looking for these code and change 2 red rows below as you want

#header-wrapper {
width: 1010px;
height: 290px;
text-align: center;

#header {
width: 1010px;
height: 290px;
background: #000000 url( no-repeat left top;
margin: 0 auto 0px;

[ In my demo version, I changed it to 200 ]

- There is a "big-gap" between the sidebar and the main content in [original] version. You can 'fix' it by changing these orange rows below

#main-wrapper {
margin-right: 30px;
margin-top: 20px;
width: 640px;
float: right;
word-wrap: break-word; /* fix for long text breaking sidebar float in IE */
#sidebar-wrapper {
margin-left: 15px;
margin-top: 20px;
width: 200px;
float: left;
background: url( repeat;
word-wrap: break-word; /* fix for long text breaking sidebar float in IE */

[ In my demo version, I changed it to 610 and 300 ]

- If you take part in GA, there are 3 [best] places you can place the ads : left side-bar, top-post area, bottom-post area [you can customize the width of sidebar and main content to fit ads size]

[ See my demo page ]

I think this template will be more excellent if we made a 3-columns version for this :)

Plz let me know [by comment in this post] if you are waiting for this [and I will do it for you :D ]

Updated: 3 columns edition is now available here.

Have a nice day, friends :)

Blue Stripe blogger template


Author : (blogandweb)

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Cooking blogger template

Cooking template originally is the Veggie & Spice template designed by Easy Wahm Websites and was converted to blogspot template by gosublogger.


This two column blogger template is perfect for a blog dedicated to cooking. It has a set of navigational links on the top left above the header image. On the left of the header image you have the blog title displayed.

Apart from the attractive image in the header everything else is quite plain and simple except the posts are seperated by a dotted line with a cooking pan. The templates main colors are White and Grey.

Happy Spring blogger template


Author : (giselejaquenod)