Sunday, April 6, 2008

How to make a blog

This is a step-by-step guide on how to make a blog. There are a lot of free Blog Publishing Services on the internet, but is one of the oldest and also one of the best free blogging service. So here I will show you how to make a blog at

1) Go to .On the bottom-right of the page there is an orange color arrow stating “Create Your Blog Now”. Click on it.

2) Fill Up the small registration form and click on “Continue”.

3) Blogger will now ask you to “Name Your Blog”. Fill in your desired blog name and click on “Continue”.

4) Now Blogger will ask you to choose a template/layout for your Blog. Choose a template that appeals to your eyes and click on “Continue”.

5) Your blog has been created. Click on “Start Posting”.

6) Give a Title to your Post and in the Compose Box type a Paragraph/Article on any topic. Then click on “Publish Post”.

7) You will be informed by Blogger that your Post has been Published. Click on "View Blog" and see what your blog looks like.

That's it, your blog is ready.This is the first post of your blog. You can add more posts to your blog by logging into your account and clicking on "New Post" link below the name of your blog. Blogger also allows you to change the "Settings" and the "Template" of your blog.

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