Saturday, June 14, 2008

Angelic blogger template

Angelic is a wordpress theme designed by Website Builder, coded by Blog Directory and was converted to blogger template by gosublogger

The special feature in this template is ajax accordion script (You can try it by clicking on About tab, Recent News tab or Recent Comment & Recent Posts tab)

angelic blogger template

Install Angelic blogger template

1. Header section :

Press Ctrl+F to find these line and change it as you wish
Just another blogger template

This is your blog's title and description (slogan)

2. About section :

Press Ctrl+F to find these lines

var newEl = new Element('div', {'class': 'element'}).setHTML('Write something here.gosu11');


var newTog = new Element('h3', {'class': 'toggler'}).setHTML('About');

Change text in bold.

06/14/2008 : Found some bugs
- Footer text must be 1 line, not 2 lines or more

- Recent Comments and Recent Posts' bug

Hope Gosu fix it soon.

Updated 06/14/2008 : Bug fixed :)

Get fixed template here

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