Sunday, June 8, 2008

Lemon Twist blogger template

Lemon Twist blogger template

Something you must do after installing Lemon Twist blogger template

1. Change your blog setting to show only 1 post on the homepage.

2. Set your post time stamp / date format with the same format as the date format on the demo blog.

3. Set your feed URL.
3.1. Go to your HTML Editor
3.2. Find this code RSS 2.0
3.3. Change the URL with your own Feed URL
3.4. Save the template.

4. Customize Comment list

Look at the comment list. there is a difference between the author comment and the readers comment. To set that please follow the instructions below.

4.1. Go to your blogger template editor, and find this code below

See the bolded JackBook.Com? Change that with your Blogger Name

4.2. Find this code
and change it with your 64×64 image.

4.3. Find this code
and change it with your 32×32 image.

4.3. Find this code
and change it with your 75×75 image.

5. Change the top image on the header - the FarFromFearless Image
Find this code
and change it with your 376×91 image.

Author : (jackbook)

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